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SIPO Finishing Comparison and Completion of Patent Data of Four Countries

With the ceaseless development of China's patent data exchanges, the scope of data of foreign patent offices acquired by the State Intellectual Property Office of China (SIPO) by data exchange has been continuously extended in recent years. At present, SIPO has finished the comparison of integrity and completion of full-text data of the US, Japan, Europe and South Korea that acquired by data exchange.

In order to ensure the integrity of patent data acquired by data exchange and to process the existing foreign data for the use of internal operation system and the public service, on the basis of authoritative documents published by all the patent offices under the Five Offices’ Cooperation Framework, SIPO compared the data achieved from the US, Japan, Europe and South Korea by data exchange with authoritative documents of all the patent offices, contacted the relevant offices concerning incomplete documents after the comparison, and in which way completed the missing data.

It is learned that through several rounds of analysis, communication and data completion, the full-text data of US, Japan, Europe and South Korea acquired by SIPO has been kept in consistence with authoritative documents published by all the offices by now, which ensures the integrity of the data used by internal operation system of SIPO and opened to the public.

Date: November 16, 2015
Source: China Intellectual Property News

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